Yoga & Mindfulness Podcasts


We’re in a season of learning to stay home and becoming more content with a slower way of living. Life has really turn upside down lately with all of us self-isolating, but yoga is an incredible gift that hopefully has provided us with some tools to master our mind, body, and soul. 

However, sometimes we need some stimulation from the outside world, so here are some yoga, meditation, and mindfulness podcasts to accompany you on this journey. There’s a little bit of everything in this list, so try a couple out until you find something that really resonates with you. 

There are various links for you to try out depending on your listening preference. Some are only available on their websites, so we’ve included those links in the names. We hope you enjoy listening and expanding your world outside of self-isolation.


Yoga Girl

Yoga is Dead

Urban Yogi

(This one is from one of our very our PYCers, Michal Večeřa, and it features both Czech and English episodes. )

Wisdom of the Sages

The Yoga Life

Yogi Misfit

Chat & Chai

Triyoga Talks

Mindset / Meditation Podcasts

Tara Brach

The Lifecoach School